CCE Impact Book

We collaborate with organizations across different mental health professions to advance shared causes. Central to these efforts is enacting legislation that supports and recognizes quality training and credentials. These advocacy efforts have a tangible impact for counseling professionals, opening up new funding sources, employment opportunities, and more. After many years of advocacy by NBCC and Affiliates, legislation signed into law in 2020 will increase employment of mental health counselors by the Department of Veterans Affairs and throughout the federal government. The law directs the VA and the Office of Personnel Management to create an occupational series for mental health counselors. The lack of an occupational series has long been an impediment to hiring counselors in the VA and throughout the federal government. Our advocacy efforts also secure federal funding opportunities for qualified professionals. Among additional important provisions, the 2020 law establishes the VA Readjustment Counseling Service Scholarship Program, creating another source of federal funding for counselors. Previous advocacy efforts successfully included the counseling profession in the federal Minority Fellowship Program. The MFP awards for counselors are administered by the NBCC Foundation. Going forward, our advocacy efforts continue to focus on securing Medicare coverage for mental health counselors and marriage and family therapists. Currently, these professions are not covered by the federal program, restricting access to appropriate mental health care for older Americans. Our legislative priority is to ensure federal recognition of the high qualifications of these professions. At the state level, we advocate for telemental health access and licensure portability. These issues have received increased attention across the country because of the COVID-19 pandemic. During these trying circumstances, NBCC and Affiliates continues to support legislation that improves access to care without sacrificing best practices and high professional standards.