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City Certification
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First Name Last Name Location ID Certifications
Heather Zeng Discovery Bay, CA 569613 NCCC
Crisanne Blackie Old Town, ME 416572 NCCC
Kenneth Baron Baltimore, MD 589529 NCCC
Gloria Dansby-Giles Madison, MS 402395 NCCC
Loretta Bradley Lubbock, TX 569835 NCCC
Terry Wynne Tucker, GA 418895 NCCC
Ruth Campbell Wallingford, PA 557078 NCCC
Steven German NEWTON CENTRE, MA 369428 NCCC
Kathy Bonnar North Riverside, IL 550801 NCCC
William Wedemeyer Saratoga, CA 360530 NCCC
Marcia Ewing Seabrook, MD 569634 NCCC
Caroline Francis Lexington, KY 407385 NCCC
Victoria Coleman Las Vegas, NV 492246 NCCC
Carla Hunter Lexington, KY 388314 NCCC
Steven M Pantell Oakland, CA 579691 NCCC
Mary Beth Rogers , CA 377959 NCCC
Michael Shahnasarian Tampa, FL 412076 NCCC
Jeannie Ruda Metairie, LA 428926 NCCC
Mary Ann Kaczmarski Los Angeles, CA 574706 NCCC
Marilyn Bechtold Scottsdale, AZ 566148 NCCC
Richard Knowdell San Jose, CA 477361 NCCC
Martha Umstott Fischer Mclean, VA 428998 NCCC
Janice Marie Guerriero Chicago, IL 469311 NCCC
Gregory Hess Palmyra, PA 538481 NCCC
Lucy H Shapiro Bethesda, MD 528919 NCCC
Sheila Weisblatt San Francisco, CA 466593 NCCC
Lyle Labardee Grand Rapids, MI 500354 NCCC
Kevin Brennfleck Riverside, CA 416545 NCCC
Peter Manzi Rochester, NY 557106 NCCC
Susan Kriegel Rosenman Plainview, NY 445983 NCCC
Sondra Van Sant Chapel Hill, NC 538566 NCCC
Harold Salmon Saint Louis, MO 570207 NCCC
Anne Kirchgessner Kensington, MD 498045 NCCC
Janis Ashkin Alpharetta, GA 513534 NCCC
Deborah Moslin Morganville, NJ 550918 NCCC
Carol Ann Trigg Lubbock, TX 588968 NCCC
Gloria Monick Fairfax, VA 369348 NCCC
Gayle Michael Cravens Henderson, TN 494442 NCCC
Joel Buchheim New York, NY 586779 NCCC
Elizabeth Adams Montville, NJ 528795 NCCC
Michalene George Village of Lakewood, IL 557060 NCCC
Deborah Veatch Westborough, MA 510317 NCCC
Patrick J Holwell Littleton, CO 438705 NCCC
Lynn Levine Cherry Hill, NJ 529928 NCCC
Tracey Robert Fairfield, CT 586899 NCCC
Paula McCommons Pittsburgh, PA 383338 NCCC
Thel Jamison-Mirunski Poughkeepsie, NY 447918 NCCC
Kevin P Pratt Spokane, WA 520976 NCCC
Steven G Levenson Setauket, NY 387053 NCCC
Benjamin Noah Flower Mound, TX 528920 NCCC
Jane Goodman Rochester, MI 569833 NCCC
Elyse Greenwald Owings Mills, MD 492269 NCCC
Bonnie Truax Browns Summit, NC 497965 NCCC
Norman Meshriy Walnut Creek, CA 466707 NCCC
Phoebe C Clark Alameda, CA 579689 NCCC
Verna Love Holly, MI 518603 NCCC
Paul Fornell Albuquerque, NM 438374 NCCC
David Kaplan Arlington, VA 562549 NCCC
Sherry Waldrep Mahomet, IL 429745 NCCC
Joseph Cicala King Of Prussia, PA 526736 NCCC
Dianne Laura Fabii Mount Laurel, NJ 455692 NCCC
James Elkins South Portland, ME 554007 NCCC
Carlene Scanlon Jackson, MS 455145 NCCC
Francis Alix Jamaica Plain, MA 457022 NCCC
Martha Jill Smith Huntington, IN 466485 NCCC
Cindy Holland Newark, DE 403562 NCCC

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