If your question is not listed here, please contact CCE at credentialinfo@cce-global.org
The application fee is a processing and review fee. Your application must be reviewed to ensure that you meet all the requirements. The review process takes approximately 15 business days after the date of your fee posting. You will receive a status email following review of your application.
When the application review process is complete, CCE will send email notification of status to the applicant.
The application will be placed back in queue for a second review when the requested documentation arrives. You will need to allow another 10 days from the date it is received. For this reason, it is best to include all required documentation with the initial application.
CCE holds applications open for a three-year period. During that time, applicants have the opportunity to rectify any deficiencies.
Each credential requires its own documentation (e.g., transcript) to fulfill the education requirement. We cannot pull a transcript from another file. Specific information from a transcript is needed for each credential.
Teaching a class on clinical supervision will not count. Specialized training must be supervision training that you have received.
You can find CCE ACS approved courses at Required Training | ACS.
Yes, we do accept documents through our secure fax. The fax number is on the application and notices. Please only fax once OR mail to avoid duplicate charges.
The person who verifies direct mental health experience does not have to be a licensed mental health provider or a clinical supervisor. We accept verification from an administrator, agency director, human resources director, university department chair, hospital supervisor, etc.
If you are in private practice, a partner, associate, human resources director, or corporate officer can complete your mental health experience forms on behalf of the agency. You can also have a previous employer/supervisor complete the form for post-master’s experience. The endorser for clinical supervision must be an NCC, licensed mental health provider, or licensed supervisor. In addition, the person must have completed clinical supervision training.
The annual maintenance fee is $50. Each year, annual fee notices are sent about six weeks prior to the due date based on the credentialing month. Credential holders who do not receive an annual fee notification should contact CCE.
If CCE does not receive payment by the due date, a late fee will be assessed. If complete payment is not received by the final due date, the credential will expire. In order to reinstate an expired credential, you will need to submit a reinstatement application, documentation of 20 hours of continuing education within the last five years, a fee of $50, and full payment of any past-due fees. Contact us to determine past due amount owed.
The ACS credential is valid for five years. At that time, you are required to recredential if you would like to maintain the credential.
We accept certificates of attendance or completion, letters of verification, transcripts, or grade reports.
In total, 20 clock hours of continuing education specific to clinical supervision are required. Continuing education must be earned through an approved method and fall within at least one of the nine clinical supervision competency areas listed below:
The following checklist will assist in determining if an activity meets ACS continuing education guidelines and can be used for recredentialing. You should be able to answer yes to the following questions if you wish to use an activity for recredentialing requirements.
Not unless selected for continuing education audit. Credential holders who are randomly selected for audit will be notified when they receive their recredentialing notice.
If you would like to recredential but find that you are short on the required 20 continuing education hours, return your signed recredentialing notice form and fee payment with an attached letter requesting an extension. Specify the reasons you were unable to complete the hours, how many hours you have completed, and how much time you anticipate needing. We will respond by email regarding your request.
You will need to submit a reinstatement application, documentation of 20 hours of continuing education within the last five years, a fee of $50, and full payment of any past-due fees.
The information provided by the Center for Credentialing & Education, Inc. (CCE), on the cce-global.org website (site) is for general information purposes only. CCE makes significant efforts to maintain current and accurate information on this site. We are not responsible for any information concerning CCE or our programs, services, or activities that is published or displayed on any third-party website(s). These websites are maintained by third parties over which we exercise no control, and for which we have no responsibility. Individuals should verify any information obtained from third-party sources by referring to our official site or contacting our customer service team directly.
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